Living Roots


Grass-Fed Beef Bundles

Update: We do have availability of bundles, but please check with us first before purchasing below, to make sure we can get you the bundle in a time frame that works for you.

Living Roots Farm is now selling Grass-Fed Beef Bundles.  Healthy Meat from happy animals at a discounted price when you buy our bundles.  We are now delivering to Indianapolis, Bloomington, Bedford, Orange County, and more!  You can get the meat delivered for an extra $9 charge.  Or no extra charge if picked up at the farm or at the farmers market. 

Our Grass-Fed Beef Bundles cost $389 each (discounted from market price) and include about 39 lbs of beef. This includes (approx.): 6- 8 lbs of Filet, Sirloin, Ribeye, or NY Strip Steaks, 4-5 lbs of Flank, Sirloin Tip, or Skirt Steaks, 2 - 3 lbs of Bologna (Natural, similar to Summer Sausage) or Natural Franks, 11 - 13 lbs of Rump Roast or Chuck Roast, 10 - 12 lbs of Ground Beef, and 3 - 4 lbs of Short Ribs. 

Your beef will be delivered as soon as we can get a driver coming your way - at the longest it would be 2 weeks. Home delivery times will be scheduled with the person who ordered, making sure they will either be home or will have a cooler outside at the door that can keep the meat frozen until they can get it into a freezer.

Please pay online below, with your credit card or debit card. Please select the $9 delivery fee if you want the beef delivered to your home and you live in Indianapolis, Bloomington, Bedford, or Orange County. If you are unsure whether we deliver to your residence, then please email us to determine that, before you select the deliver option. If you want to pick up at the farm or farmers market, then do not select the delivery fee.

Grass-Fed Beef Bundle Options

Thank you for supporting healthy, sustainable family farms with happy animals!

If you have any questions, please email Michael at michael1 (at)


Living Roots Inc., 5907 W. County Road 375 South, French Lick, IN 47432

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